I was going to let him prattle on and talk himself out of
the Republican nomination for presidency without investing my thoughts and
written words. He’s so ridiculously drastic in his right-wing ideology that I
thought he would never be taken seriously. Why waste my breath pointing out the
obvious when there are so many other stimulating things to write about that don’t
make me question which century I am living in. However, I find myself no longer
able to keep my mouth shut.
I was able to restrain myself through abortion talks and contraception woes – it was difficult, and I definitely ranted about it to my loved ones and may have written a poem about it, but I didn’t put anything out to the public besides shared links on Facebook voicing other people’s thoughts. I thought, hey, he’s kinda crazy but at least he doesn’t politicize his crazy, he’s very blunt and forthcoming about it and actually admonishes the over politicization of every process that exists and every statement that comes out of Mitt Romney’s mouth.
But today, I have no more excuses. Today, I have had enough.
Rick Santorum. I think you are a closed-minded religious
fundamentalist trapped in a paradigm designed by classical physicists that no
longer defines the nature of our reality while continually demonstrating you
are ill possessed of any rational regard for science, progress in society,
women’s rights, religious freedom and separation of church and state.
I have never wanted to punch somebody so badly in my life.
Not a wimpy slap for saying silly things, but a real ‘fingers tightened into a
fist propelled by the force of anger’ punch. He’s asking for it, loudly,
through a microphone.
me to introduce you to the source of my fury. When asked about what he
would do in regards to the Environmental Protection Agency at the Gulf Coast
Energy Summit in Biloxi , Mississippi if he were to become President,
Santorum promised to repeal every environmental regulation that exists on
businesses. He claims that the Obama Administration has a “radical
environmental agenda”. Really? Radical? Really? Have we gotten off oil? Has mandatory
recycling become the law? Have we stopped factory farming animals? Have we
changed our agricultural processes? Do we now ration our daily water usage?
Have we taken all the corrupt money invested in oil and plugged it into
electric car technology, wind energy, solar energy and desalinization plants?
He’s talking about the bump up in ‘high cost’ regulations on
the emissions from power plants. He’s talking about the “non-scientific” and “outrageous”
claim that the Obama Administration has made regarding the toxic levels of CO2
in our atmosphere. See, I went to a public high school that was allowed to
teach me science, and I went on to those “liberal machines” we call colleges,
and continued to take science, and along the way I somehow learned about the
composition of gases in our atmosphere(s). You know, that big invisible gaseous
cloud that makes it possible for us to breathe, live as close as we do to the
sun (ozone layer), grow things, you know … EXIST!

Plant life absorbs CO2, but we continue to eliminate massive
forests to make Ethan Allen dressers, so we have even less plants to do the
absorbing while emissions have increased with the industrialization of China and India , and the growing population
wanting vehicles that emit CO2. Ultimately, more greenhouse gases mean more
infrared radiation trapped and held, which increases the temperature of the
Earth's surface and the air in the lower atmosphere. Oh, and CO2 stays in the
atmosphere for a long time, so even with cuts to emissions we have already
managed to raise the surface temperature of the planet, and it will continue to
happen even if we were to suddenly become the perfect conscientious earthlings.
We will be suffering the repercussions of our industrial and agricultural
activities for many generations to come.

The exaggerated effect of all of this is global warming. That doesn't mean that a blizzard disproves global warming – all of you idiots out
there who think you are so clever when you say this, it makes me want to scream
at the depth of your ignorance. Extreme weather is the result of global
warming, bigger hurricanes, more tornadoes, floods, droughts, mass extinction, and
the change in ocean acidity, depth, and flow of current streams.
So Rick, just because you believe that man has dominion over
the Earth, it doesn't mean it’s true. When you say things in response to the
Endangered Species Act such as this: "There
are so many places that we put critters above people. It’s a radical ideology
that says we are here to serve the Earth instead of man having dominion over
the Earth to serve him and to be a good steward of that Earth.” It makes
me want to punch you.
You obviously have no understanding of ecology and the interconnected systems of life on Earth. Human Beings do not have dominion over the Earth. If anything, we are dependent upon the Earth for its continued functioning of natural processes so that we can keep being able to exist here. These are the processes that we are messing with due to our stubborn dependence on fossil fuels; these are the processes that will naturally begin to shift toward a new equilibrium that may not sustain human life, because the Earth is its own living organism. The Earth was around way before you and your microphone and your misinformed opinions. And the Earth will be around long after we kill ourselves off because we refuse to acknowledge the interconnected systems of life that sustain us. So, in summation: Rick Santorum, please shut up.
You obviously have no understanding of ecology and the interconnected systems of life on Earth. Human Beings do not have dominion over the Earth. If anything, we are dependent upon the Earth for its continued functioning of natural processes so that we can keep being able to exist here. These are the processes that we are messing with due to our stubborn dependence on fossil fuels; these are the processes that will naturally begin to shift toward a new equilibrium that may not sustain human life, because the Earth is its own living organism. The Earth was around way before you and your microphone and your misinformed opinions. And the Earth will be around long after we kill ourselves off because we refuse to acknowledge the interconnected systems of life that sustain us. So, in summation: Rick Santorum, please shut up.
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